Longtime liberal stalwart on the Supreme Court William O. Douglas was a passionate defender of the environment. He was also a fierce protector of liberal values, like the right to privacy, the right to free speech
While he was an important voice for progressive causes throughout his career, he also served as the perfect foil for right-wing claims of judicial excess. Douglas was often willing to overlook precedent to emphasize his notions of justice. He was threatened with impeachment twice in his career, and his opponents saw him as a womanizing, gambling, slightly corrupt ally of pornographers and dissidents.
A few of these criticisms are even fair. Regardless of the turbulence of his personal life, and his sometimes questionable judgment, Douglas remains one of the high points of liberal values in the nation's highest court.
Why this is progressive/liberal: In addition to reading Douglas's arguments for protecting the environment this work also collects some of his more notable court opinions, and essays about politics and justice.
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