Christopher Hitchens's embrace of the global war on terror was the final straw for many progressives.
Over the course of his life, however, Hitch has been a contrary voice for progress. One of his most important progressive works, and the book that caused progressives in the US (that didn't regularly read The Nation) to start sitting up and taking notice of this firebrand from across the pond was The Trial of Henry Kissinger.
His work on Kissinger introduced many progressives to his earlier evisceration of Mother Teresa (The Missionary Position), thereby sealing his bad boy status. While Hitchens has moved to the right over the course of his long career he still considers himself a Marxist and very much a part of the radical left.
Most recently Hitchens has been on the forefront of the atheist resurgence. This carefully considered rejection of superstition and embrace of science comes during the most challenging time of Hitchens's long and successful career -- his battle with esophageal cancer.
Why this is progressive/liberal: Hitchens's careful analysis of Kissinger's perceived war crimes is an excellent introduction to problems progressives have with American foreign policy.
Buy the 2002 documentary made from the book: The Trials of Henry Kissinger
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