Thank PBS for Milton Friedman's outsized influence in modern politics. Friedman was a Nobel-prize winning economist notable for his advocacy of free markets and limited government interference. After winning the Nobel in 1976 Friedman co-created a 10-part series titled Free to Choose. He also served as an unofficial adviser to candidate Ronald Reagan and then served on Ronald Reagan's President's Economic Policy Advisory Board throughout the Reagan administration. Free to Choose aired repeatedly on PBS channels through the 1980s, creating a whole generation of fans.
Why this is libertarian/conservative: Friedman's work is one of the fundamental pillars of modern Libertarian economic thought. The idea that regulations are hurting businesses, that a free market can handle most economic problems, that the Federal Reserve hurts our economic interests, and that school vouchers are a panacea for our public education system can all be traced back to Friedman. If you're not familiar with Friedman, then you're not familiar with the arguments being echoed by today's Libertarian-influenced Republicans.
You can find the Free to Choose series in multiple places online. Here, for example.
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