MacKay's clear, straight-forward explanation of energy and energy use helps clear away all the gobbledy-gook surrounding sustainable energy use. Seriously, turning off your phone charger is pointless. If you want to reduce energy usage adjust your thermostat. MacKay claims "I am not pro-wind or pro-nuclear: I am just pro-arithmetic." And by demonstrating the arithmetic of energy use he clearly explains why some ideas about energy sustainability are bogus, and why some should be widely embraced.
Why this is progressive/liberal: Conservative criticism of science is nothing new. Science undercuts the concepts of faith and authority, two of the core pillars of conservatism. And there are times when those conservative ideals are important and beneficial to society. However, denying the science of climate change is not one of those times. While progressives might already be ideological allies with MacKay, they can benefit greatly from the clear insight provided in this book.
Buy the Kindle version: Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air
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