Tuesday, November 22, 2011

217: The Nation

The Nation

From the magazine description:

Founded in 1865, The Nation is America's oldest weekly magazine, the flagship of the Left, and now the country's most widely read journal of opinion. Published to inform the national debate on critical issues of the day, The Nation seeks to enlighten and empower a community of concerned citizens and influential readers.

The Nation has long served as an early-warning system, exposing prejudice, discrimination, and abuse of power through investigative reporting, analysis, commentary, and cultural reviews. Proudly independent of political parties and corporate interests, The Nation exposes, in print and online, issues often ignored by the mainstream media.

Championing civil liberties, human rights, economic justice, and peace, The Nation challenges the status quo, encourages dissent, and presents ideas from a variety of voices, always seeking a more tolerant and just future.

Why this is progressive/liberal: Founded by abolitionists this is the longest-running liberal magazine in the United States.

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