Sunday, September 25, 2011

279: The Closing of the American Mind by Allan Bloom

(During the month of September I'm recommending conservative titles with which every well-read progressive should be familiar.)

The Closing of the American Mind

No one expected this to be the phenomenal best-seller it turned out to be. Bloom explains the value of a classically liberal education (which he distinguishes from modern liberalism) and why it has vanished from the halls of academe. If you want to know the conservative argument for what's wrong with today's higher education, this is the book to start with.

Why this is libertarian/conservative: A student of Leo Strauss, Allan Bloom struck a chord with this 1987 publication. Students, Bloom argues, are too willing to accept that all values are equal. Bloom, like his mentor Strauss, vigorously argues that some values are better than others and it is the responsibility of the university to teach students how to distinguish the good from the bad.

Buy the Kindle version: Closing of the American Mind

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