Friday, July 15, 2011

351: Future Primitive by John Zerzan

Future Primitive: And Other Essays

In yesterday's post I mentioned that Apocalypse Culture includes an anti-technology anarchist. Today's recommendation is a book by that anti-technology anarchist -- John Zerzan.

Another point from yesterday's post that bears repeating is that learning about an idea, or encouraging others to learn about an idea, is not the same as condoning or supporting that idea. Personally, I'm not into Zerzan's brand of anarchy, but I think it's an important element of modern-day progressivism, and progressives and liberals would do well to better understand these fellow travelers.

Anarchists are often seen as the left of the left (Noam Chomsky, for example). This isn't strictly accurate since the free-market radical right also has its collection of anarchist thinkers (Murray Rothbard, for example). In fact, and perhaps not surprisingly, there are anarchists at the edge of almost every political school of thought.

John Zerzan, and other anarcho-primitivists like Derrick Jensen, argue that civilization as we know it is unsustainable and harmful to humanity. Anyone who's been involved in progressive community projects or organizing protests has probably run into some of these people.

If you want to know why the Environmental Liberation Front blows up Hummer dealerships, or why there is a "black bloc" coalition at major protest movements, check out this seminal work by Zerzan. Or, if want something not quite as old, check out Derrick Jensen's Endgame, Vol. 1: The Problem of Civilization.

Why this is progressive/liberal: Primitivist anarchists (as well as other anarchists) often share similar goals as progressives and liberals. They also share many of the same critiques of undue corporate influence on our politics and culture. Since there are many projects on which anarchists and progressives work together, the progressive would do well to learn more about these potential allies.


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