I don't know if Adam Parfrey considers himself a progressive. For all I know he might find the term offensive. But, I'm including his Apocalypse Culture here because it highlights controversial topics on the periphery of mainstream culture.
Parfrey runs Feral House publishing company. Feral House specializes in the obscure, the outre, and the offensive.
Apocalypse Culture will expose you to ideas well outside the mainstream, from anti-technology anarchists, to Satanists, to Pentecostals working immanentize the eschaton. The world outside what you see on television is probably weirder than you imagined.
Why this is progressive/liberal: Apocalypse Culture is a celebration of freedom of speech, and intellectual freedom, two core progressive values. Progressives are interested in the peripheral and the outcasts. Rather than condemning the other as not belonging in a "proper society" progressives learn about those who are different. Learning about something odd, scary, or wrong doesn't mean condoning it. But, for progressives, knowledge is more important than fear.
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